2014-G-1 - hand-and-half-sword, 14 th century

Category hilted weapon - Sword
Keywords hand-and-a-half-sword, stabbing sword, bastard sword, diamond shape blade, simple crossguard,disced-shaped pommel
Date (whole objekt/hilt) 14th century
Total length 1123 mm
cross length 182 mm
Weight 890 g
Preservation moderate - restored/conservated
Verbal description The Sword 2014-G-1 is preserved in a moderate, conservated condition. The double edged blade tapers straight to the point. The cross section is diamondshaped with a sharp longitudinal middel-rib, making the blade very stiff. The crossguard is lightly bend towards the blade and its arms are lightly s-shaped, when viewed from the pommel.
The pommel is of an disced shaped form with chamfered edges.
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